
Frequently Asked Questions

You can reach out to us through our contact form on the website, email us at contact@praisepalaceradio.com.

You can support us by spreading the word about our station, or making a donation to help us continue our ministry.

We offer a diverse range of programs, including morning devotionals, praise and worship sessions, talk shows, youth programs, relationship talks and more.

You can listen to Praise Palace Radio through our website's live stream on praisepalaceradio.com


Yes, we welcome submissions from local artists and content creators. Contact us at contact@praisepalaceradio.com for more information on how to submit your music or program ideas.

Check our program schedule on our website or follow us on social media to stay updated about upcoming programs, events, and special broadcasts.

We play a variety of Christian music genres, including contemporary Christian, gospel, worship, hymns, and more.

Praise Palace radio is a Christian radio station dedicated to broadcasting uplifting music, inspiring messages, and educational programs that promote faith and spiritual growth.


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